Friday, July 13, 2007

The Rodney Experiment

So I was watching the secret after being sad and lonely for a minute. I have decided that I do want to be in a relationship. So I sat down and wrote it out like the secret tells you to.

I am happy and greatful now that I have.......

And I listed all of the things that I want. Not the things that I dont want but what I do want. The next step is to act as if you already have it and as they say in the secret the universe will hear and see your glow or energy and the universe will correspond to the nature of your song.

So not only do I have it already I named him and his name is Rodney. And with this out look going out to the clubs last night all I got was a lots of smiles and positive energy , that is great lets see where it takes us.


SoFaReal said...

Interesting...I did such an experiment guy was named Trent. I had dreams about him that felt so real. Makes me wonder if all the people I've dated/will date are really just to pass the time until I meet him, but then sometimes I kind of fear if I allow other potential hopefuls to pass-me-over...will I end up being SOL and lonely...and still with Trent.

two turntables said...

I think some of these experiences we go through are to prepare us for the real thing when it does finally come. But I meant to update this post, on the real that shit really worked. I mean everyone was smilling at me the night I did that experiment so i do not plan on stopping it lol.

SoFaReal said...

Wow, very hopeful and affirming. I was wondering about "the Secret." Would be nice just to see the insights they have, I mean, hell, Oprah promoted it, after all. So, it must be something good? Why Rodney?

two turntables said...

Rodney is just a random name , not a real person just random.
you have to pick up the secret dvd its great.