Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Oh lord I done forgot how fly I was again.

I was buggin yesterday but I wont delete that post.

So yeah he did call today. And I was out doing other things. Yes I didn't sleep well last night and yes I was still bugging about it today till he called. Now this is not one of those sweet endings stories but it is the end to the story unfortunately. I got back to the crib called him and got the voisemail again. When I spoke to him earlier he said he was away with family thats why he didnt return my calls (pshh whatever)
As we all know the real comes out and at the end of the day I'm too much for him. Wow, just because I know where I want to be one day as far as children and marraige and all those things I am too much for him and we were taking it too fast. So the real is it wasnt about being with family but it was more about sitting back and thinking damn i'm not ready for this dude.

Well truth be told it took me about a minute to dismiss him after that convo via I.M. and I realized once again lonliness got in the way and I forgot just how fly I was ( ie . I can have another you in a minute ). It's not that serious if you want to slow down go right ahead but I'm pretty sure that I do not want to make another bext friend right now. You either want to be potentially something or we could be nothing at all. And if I am too much for you then you can move on because im not going to go back 6 years just to accomodate some one. Im not willing to or interested in changing who I am. So I am back to where I was, lesson well learned, moving right along not skipping a beat.

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