Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I feel like Amy Winehouse in a crack house smoking a cigarette

She knows damn well she is going to try and get a hit of that pipe.
(Amy get out the Crackhouse Yo!!!!)

So let me make the connection.

I am off work this week. And I must admit there is a fire burning inside of me. If some one doesn't put there ass in my face in the next 24-36 hours I am going to lose it.

This apartment, is my crack house. I have nothing to do here and all I can think about is sex. It's only a matter of time before I call up cousin adam and see if he can find me some dates (rejoin adam for adam.)
And for sure cousin adam is my crack. Cousin adam is a waste of my time, he is addictive, he can ruin lives etc. just like crack.
I just text my sponsor (my friend who I deleted all the sites with on january 1st) Well he has found a man so he can't relate to the fire that is burning inside of me .

Shit let me look through some pics, I gotta post some hot shit , I'm not fucking around...

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