Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Woo lordy

This boy done worn me out

Ok I know he was too young, point taken. 20 is way to young for me I mean am almost 10 years older then him. But damn homey was sexy I ain't going to lie. Everything was hot however I didn't know kissing him and fooling around would make us connected in a since. The since is he wants me after one day with a passion and my connection is I dont want to break the young boy's heart. He introduced me to his moms, his brother and friends. And we have already had our first disagreement based on PDA . But he lives close and I want to keep shit cool. He has called me about three times today after us meetign up, like I am his man and he wants me to basically drop everything and go spend the night over his house (sidebar: he lives with his moms, they dont have ac, I didn't even see the remnants of a box fan nothing, and I aint trying to be walking over to that side of town this late at night hell nah) He could be a real good mate but he needs to be grown up. He needs to hold his cards and not show it all out in the open. He needs to not let phsyical attraction tell him he wants some one. And I need to date some one older because I know damn well I dont have the energy for this type of shit.

1 comment:

SoFaReal said...

the young hotties tend to seek solace and affirmation when they meet potential hopefuls. believe me, ive been there: the guy who literally finds even minor hints of "love" where it never belonged. its an advantage its youre the kind of shallow guy who tries using the childs vulnerability, as means to dickly pleasures; for others its just plain annoying, a turn off. sorry to say, but he aint got the emotional capacity to handle Mr Big (you). hes pushin for somethin you aint got to give, and reeling himself on a hook with no bait. woah, lil boi...