Saturday, November 18, 2006

Is there something better out there

This I think is the main issues that has kept me single for going on 4 years now. So many times now I can look back at some good guys I let go by because I was looking for something better out there. If I had sat down for a minute and chilled with certain cats for a minute I would have realised I had better and what was out there may have looked better if I ever saw it but what looks great usually isn't to good for me.
I can always be one to say there is nothing out there but I can sit here and count numerous times when I had a good man standing in front of me just wanting to have some focus from me and I was blowing off spending time with him because I was in a search for something better. Usually I never met better and he eventually goes away and finds a boyfriend and we may become friends afterward and I am aptly informed on how great things are going while so called better is long gone and I realise the person I let go was better much better then what was out there. So if their is anyone to blame for my long standing single hood it is me. Then again I guess it's a learning process. If I hadn't loss out so often would I really know what to want right now.

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